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Aaron D. Baldon, a U.S. Army Veteran who served in Afghanistan, and Noah Berlow, award winning Director, Producer, and Editor are the original founders of the Veterans in Cinema Foundation, and dedicated to putting veterans to work in the entertainment industry.

Aaron D. Baldon

U.S. Army Veteran, Co-Founder


Co-Founder Aaron D. Baldon is a U.S. Army Veteran who served in Afghanistan Prior to joining a wartime Army, Baldon worked in the entertainment industry as an International Art Director and Illustrator, on staff with, freelancing, for clients including Mattel, ABC, Disney, Nestle, Canon, Ricoh, and others. He prides himself on keeping productions on time and on budget, and finding projects that will be commercially viable. 

Noah Berlow

Director, Producer, Editor, Co-Founder


Award winning filmmaker Noah Berlow is a visionary storyteller who straddles two worlds—the world of entertainment and the world of serious documentaries that educate, raise consciousness and help bring about social change.


Berlow produced and edited a documentary feature on female genital mutilation (FMG) in Kurdistan entitled Our World: Dropping the Knife – Kurdistan. Partners in the project included two fearless young Kurdish filmmakers, producer John Chua, HIVOS, an international humanitarian organization in the Netherlands, Amnesty International who also offered their production facilities in Amsterdam, The Guardian newspaper and BBC.


For his achievements in the art of filmmaking and demonstrated skill and effectiveness in telling stories visually that reflect and impact culture, filmmaker Noah Berlow was the winner of Ithaca College Alumni Association's Outstanding Young Alumni Award.

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